Rob Roudabush Photography: Blog en-us (C) Rob Roudabush Photography (Rob Roudabush Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:52:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:52:00 GMT Rob Roudabush Photography: Blog 120 120 Night Shots Lately I've had a lot of requests for night shots of the properties. They usually end up being around the pool, since it is frequently the most dramatic area on the property.  Sometimes though it's the clubhouse or the monument sign.  Unfortunately, it's often not possible to get more than a handful of night shots (actually twilight) in a single evening.  But if you want to catch your prospects eye, then night shots are definitely the way to go. Roudabush-Blvd on Sonterra-October 07, 2015-3-untitledRoudabush-Blvd on Sonterra-October 07, 2015-3-untitled

(Rob Roudabush Photography) night shots Wed, 04 Nov 2015 22:28:59 GMT